1st War
T2O: Bowser, Nick, F3RMAH
SD: reppin, epidemic, holocaust
Round 1: 3-2 win
Round 2: 3-0 win
ok we beat them which made it a tie between our 2 clans at 3-3 so epid asked us for a rematch so we said ok. i had a feeling we were gonna win anyway so we agreed and they replaced holocaust with carbine. he joined SD that same day (D).....
2nd War
T2O: Bowser, Nick, F3RMAH
SD: epidemic, reppin, carbine
Round 1: 3-0 win
Round 2: 3-0 win
we are now ahead of SD with 1 win against them. its 4-3 T2O
. i dont feel like giving any more details but i know that i raped them 2nd war. 1st round i was 9-2 +7 and 2nd round i was 5-2 +3. nick and ferm feel free 2 give any details cuz im 2 lazy....