So before this even started, iR was whining about being allies. They said T2O asked for the war so they get to choose. But guys, back me on this one. Doesn't the clan that asks for war choose if it wants to be allies or axis? Well that's how its always been for me. I told that to Soap and he told me to stop making up rules. Is it just me or did Soap used to be a lot nicer? Now he's just like Jay Jr.
ANYWAY T2O had to be the bigger person and take the Axis side so they would stop whining about it.
But as you can see, Axis or Allies didn't really effect how much we owned.
T2O (W) 3-0
T2O (W) 3-0
GG iR and Good job T2O! You guys earned a bonus screen of me and Turtle owning noobs at monastery yesterday!!