Round 1: T20 3-2 (allies)
We started good in the war, I was guarding ( did a bad job at it
) Mad, Bows, and Wun would retrieve the flag. I think in this round Wun had the flag and got DC so they didnt want to return the flag to us.
Round 2: iP 3-2 (axis)
They got a quick 2-1 lead, we then tie it up. Then we were on a standoff for while. I screw up when mad got killed with the flag, I then retrieved it but got stuck entering the barn so they won.
Round 3: T2O 3-2 (allies)
This round they susprised us with a 2-1 lead. We came back though and won the war. On the last flag bows came from the left to score but they capture the flag and made it almost half way when we killed them. GG iP GJ T2O!!!